While we sometimes take our body’s senses for granted, going 5 for 5 helps us thrive.
With aging’s growing influence on vision and hearing, it is estimated that by 2030, as many as 14 million older U.S. adults will develop dual sensory loss (DSL). When two of the bodies five senses are not functioning optimally, activities of daily living can be challenging. For too many, DSL reduces quality of life via limiting physical, emotional and social capacities.
Most people take care of their sight because, for example, driving without seeing clearly is unsafe. Perhaps that’s why updating your driver’s license usually requires a vision test.
Research indicates those with both vision and hearing loss may have personal hardships with interactive daily communication, while being at increased risk of social isolation, depression and falls. When you see and hear better, you can more confidently Live Life Well.
As research states: “Our study could have potential public health policy implications, as it suggests that identifying and targeting dual sensory impairment in older adults could be a potentially useful strategy for preventing a decline in their life expectancy.”
Further, “Given that one in four people aged 80+ years experiences dual sensory impairment, it is important that professionals working in both vision and hearing services are able to recognize cases of dual sensory impairment, tailor rehabilitation solutions accordingly and coordinate multidisciplinary input as required.”
In addition, researchers are intently focused on learning how functional Dual Sensory Impairment, DSI, relates to incident dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. As stated:
“In older adults with sensory impairment, greater cognitive resources are needed to support visual and auditory function, thus leaving fewer resources available to support cognitive tasks. Additionally, sensory impairment can lead to depression, social isolation, and reduced physical activity, all known factors associated with increased risk for dementia.
“These findings suggest that sensory rehabilitative interventions for multiple impairments may be an additional resource in efforts to reduce dementia risk.”
As you see your Ophthalmologist or Optometrist for annual eye exams, it makes sense for you and your loved ones get a professional hearing evaluation at least once a year. Just as 20/20 vision is a worthy focus on, so is personalized fitting of advanced hearing aids which deliver daily soundtracks that are music to our ears. In early 2022, we are eager to see and hear from you soon. In fact, Precious Sights & Sounds Matter.