Hearing Health Blog
This is The One Thing About Hearing Loss You Should Take Note of
You may get an annual physical, but have you checked this recently? This is one thing you shouldn’t ignore.
Little Changes in Hearing Can Affect Your Brain
Even small changes in your hearing have been linked to these changes in your brain.
If Your Hearing Aids Are Sounding Weak Try This
If your hearing aids sound weak and already changed the batteries, it could be this.
How Frequently Should You Have Your Hearing Examined?
How frequently do you need a hearing test? It depends. Here’s what to think about.
Cannabinoids Linked to Tinnitus
CBD or cannabinoids have been called a miracle cure. But beware of these potential side effects.
Hearing Loss Isn’t a Given For Musicians
Musicians need special protection to prevent hearing loss. This recent change will make it easier.
The Health Mistake 77% of People With Hearing Loss Make
If only people with hearing loss knew this, they could cut their risk of dementia considerably.
What Causes Tinnitus? Here is Some New Research
Suffering from ringing in your ears? This may be the cause.
Hearing Loss Can be Triggered by This Disease
Hearing loss has many possible causes, but if you have this, you’re very likely to have high-frequency hearing loss.
The Stigma Around Hearing Loss is Finally Disappearing
Perceived stigmas around hearing loss have long kept people from seeking help. But attitudes are changing. Just look at this recent report.